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Contact "Marine Fachade" Passenger Sea-Port, Cruise Terminal #1, of. 213, St. Petersburg, Russia 199226 79/337, Svetlanovsky pr., Tel. +7 812 919 44 32 |
Welcome to Shorex.RU, independent tour-operator for cruise passangers in St.Petersburg, Russia. If you are on this page, you seem to be interested in shore excursions. Our fully licensed company, registered as independent tour operator, provide low-cost shore excursions and tailor-made tours. On this site you can either choose between our recommended standard and special tours or prepare and calculate your own itinerary, using «build your own tour» tool. We can offer you big variety of programms, inside visits to palaces and cathedrals, one-day tours to Moscow. Our advantages are: low prices, flexibility — you and only you decide on your itinerary, high professionalism of local guides and drivers. If you arrive at St. Petersburg on cruise ship and book your tour with us, you DO NOT NEED to get Russian visa, because we will provide you with blanket visa for cruise passangers FOR FREE. It will save you about 100USD. Our philosophy is to offer you good quality at fair prices. That’s why we work hard to reduce your costs. Top 5 tours